The De­uts­ches The­ater in Ber­lin is a the­at­ri­cal ins­ti­tuti­on with a per­ma­nent and high­ly-acc­la­imed en­semb­le. Be­hind its clas­si­cal façade, the De­uts­ches The­ater bu­il­ding on Schu­mannstraße is ho­me to three sta­ges: the ma­in sta­ge, bu­ilt in 1850, with its in­ti­mate audi­tori­um that se­ats 600; the 'Kam­mers­pi­ele', es­tabli­shed by Max Re­in­hardt in 1906 for mo­dern dra­ma, which holds so­me 230 spec­ta­tors; and the Box, a com­pact black box lo­cated in the Kam­mers­pi­ele fo­yer with se­ating for 80, which ope­ned in 2006.

The the­at­re’s re­per­to­ire inc­lu­des both clas­sics and mo­dern clas­sics by wri­ters such as Al­bert Ca­mus, An­ton Chek­hov, He­in­rich von Kle­ist, He­iner Müller, Je­an-Pa­ul Sart­re, Wil­li­am Sha­kes­pe­are and Ten­nessee Wil­li­ams. At the sa­me ti­me, the DT sta­ges works by con­tempo­rary pla­yw­rights li­ke Dea Lo­her, René Pol­lesch, Wolf­ram Lotz, Elf­ri­ede Je­linek, Tho­mas Mel­le, Fer­di­nand Schmalz and Nis-Mom­me Stock­mann – inc­lu­ding ma­ny world pre­mi­eres. On­ce a year in May or Ju­ne the De­uts­ches The­ater pla­ys host to the Auto­rent­he­ater­ta­ge, a fes­ti­val of con­tempo­rary dra­ma.

Sig­na­ture pro­duc­ti­ons, on­go­ing col­la­bora­ti­ons with es­tabli­shed and up-and-co­ming di­rec­tors, and fa­ith in the abi­liti­es of his spi­rited and ta­len­ted en­semb­le: the­se are the cor­ners­to­nes of Ul­rich Khu­on’s ar­tistic con­cept for the De­uts­ches The­ater sin­ce 2009.  Khu­on has bro­ught on bo­ard di­rec­tors with dis­tinc­ti­ve di­rec­ting sty­les, inc­lu­ding: Jan Bos­se, Se­bas­ti­an Hart­mann, Step­han Kim­mig, Bas­ti­an Kraft, And­re­as Kri­egen­burg, Mar­tin La­berenz, An­ne Lenk, Da­ni­ela Löffner, Ka­rin Hen­kel, René Pol­lesch, Tom Kühnel, Jürgen Kutt­ner, Ul­rich Rasc­he, Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov and Jet­te Stec­kel.