
CAS­TING De­ar Fri­end!

Are you a pro­fes­si­onal dan­cer with con­tempo­rary dan­ce and per­forming arts skills? Work and li­ve in Ger­ma­ny? 
We are hap­py to an­no­un­ce the open call for cas­ting in­to in­terna­ti­onal the­at­re and dan­ce pro­duc­ti­on “3 Da­ys be­fore the Apo­calyp­se”! 

mul­ti­dis­cipli­nary pro­ject with dan­ce and dra­ma ar­tists 

Di­rec­tor Ev­ge­ny Ku­lagin 
Cho­re­og­rapher Ivan Es­tegne­ev

Pro­duc­ti­on of Ki­rill&Fri­ends Com­pa­ny 
Pre­mi­ere in Ber­lin with furt­her gu­est per­forman­ces in Ham­burg and ot­her Ger­man ci­ti­es

Cas­ting 02.-03.09. (Ber­lin),
re­he­ar­sals 04.10-21.11.2023 (Ber­lin)
fi­nal re­he­ar­sals and pre­mi­ere - first two we­eks of Feb­ru­ary 2024 (Ber­lin)

If you are in­te­res­ted and ha­ve ti­me, ple­ase send till 23.08. the fol­lo­wing ma­teri­als: 
- CV
- 3-4 pho­tos (port­ra­it and in mo­vement)
 - vi­deo links for your pre­vi­ous dan­ce pro­jects or a per­so­nal dan­ce so­lo

We will get back to you with a pro­bab­le in­vi­tati­on and de­ta­ils on cas­ting no la­ter than 28.8.2023­ril­land­fri­ends@gma­
Tcha­ikovs­ky's Wi­fe (Ori­ginal Mo­ti­on Pic­tu­re So­und­track)
Tcha­ikovs­ky's Wi­fe (Ori­ginal Mo­ti­on Pic­tu­re So­und­track) The of­fi­ci­al so­und­track of Se­reb­renni­kov's Tcha­ikovs­ky's Wi­fe, writ­ten by pi­anist Da­ni­il Or­lov, who al­so pla­yed a ro­le of com­po­ser Kons­tan­tin Alb­recht.


OPEN CALL De­ar fri­end!

Are you a pro­fes­si­onal dan­cer with con­tempo­rary dan­ce and per­forming arts skills? Do you work and li­ve in Ger­ma­ny?

We are hap­py to an­no­un­ce AN OPEN CALL for the in­terna­ti­onal the­at­re pro­duc­ti­on “BA­ROC­CO”!

WHAT: The mu­sical ma­nifes­to and mul­ti­dis­cipli­nary pro­ject with dan­ce and dra­ma ar­tists, sin­gers, and mu­sici­ans.

WHO: di­rec­tor Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov, cho­re­og­raphers Ivan Es­tegne­ev and Ev­ge­ny Ku­lagin

WHE­RE: Tha­lia The­ater (Ham­burg)

WHEN: Cas­ting ---- 17th Feb (Ber­lin), re­he­ar­sals and pre­mi­er ------- 27th March - 30th May (Ham­burg)

Ple­ase send the fol­lo­wing un­til the 15 feb on di­alo­gu­edan­ce@gma­ :
- CV
- 3-4 pho­tos ( still port­ra­it and in mo­vement)
 - vi­deo links of your pre­vi­ous dan­ce pro­ject or per­so­nal dan­ce so­lo

We ll get back to you with pos­sible in­vi­tati­on and de­ta­ils of cas­ting
10 years of Go­gol Cen­ter
10 years of Go­gol Cen­ter Hel­lo, fri­ends!

As we pro­mised, we're do­ing eve­ryt­hing we can to stay in to­uch with you, to ke­ep in to­uch, to know abo­ut each ot­her.

As you ha­ve le­ar­ned, Go­gol Cent­re is not a bu­il­ding. It's much big­ger, stron­ger and mo­re in­te­res­ting. It's a ge­nera­ti­on. It's a &qu­ot;tri­be.&qu­ot; We no­ticed this from the let­ters and mes­sa­ges you sent for our an­ni­ver­sa­ry. You ha­ve be­en wri­ting to us for a who­le year: from Ja­nu­ary 2022 to Ja­nu­ary 2023. A lot had chan­ged du­ring this year. The war has bro­ken out. Go­gol Cent­re was clo­sed. Li­fe has di­vided in­to BE­FORE and AF­TER. We ha­ve de­cided not to chan­ge anyt­hing in your texts and ke­ep the his­to­rical chro­nolo­gy of the­se &qu­ot;let­ters to the the­at­re&qu­ot;. What you wro­te to us shows that for you (and for us, by the way), Go­gol Cen­ter tur­ned out to be not just a pla­ce on the map of Mos­cow, but a re­al po­wer pla­ce. A pla­ce that, in one way or anot­her, hel­ped all of us to form our hu­man, ar­tistic, and mo­ral po­siti­on.

That is why we de­cided to ce­leb­ra­te Go­gol Cent­re's 10-year an­ni­ver­sa­ry to­get­her with you and to la­unch an on­li­ne plat­form. The­re we will show per­forman­ces on­li­ne that we­re in re­per­to­ire on Ka­zakov 8. If so­me of you ha­ven't se­en them be­ca­use you are in ot­her ci­ti­es, now you will ha­ve this op­portu­nity! But that's not all...

Eve­ry year, on 2 Feb­ru­ary, we got to­get­her and we had fun, we jo­ked and ce­leb­ra­ted Go­gol Cent­re's birt­hday by pre­sen­ting be­auti­ful sil­ver bad­ges for the best work in a se­ason.
We will show you our last con­cert, which we re­cor­ded on 2 Feb­ru­ary 2021. It was qui­te a comp­li­cated mo­ment in our li­ves: we al­re­ady knew what's go­ing on, we knew that the cir­cums­tan­ces we­re be­coming ca­tast­rop­hic. The war had not yet star­ted but the­re was al­re­ady so­me ten­si­on in the air. You co­uld pro­bab­ly see and fe­el it in the re­cor­ding you are lo­oking at.

I sho­uld add that fe­ed­back is ve­ry im­portant to us, so ple­ase send your fe­ed­back and sug­gesti­ons. Our so­ci­al me­dia con­ti­nu­es to work as it did, but now the­re's an on­li­ne plat­form as well. Ho­oray!

With big ple­asu­re I cong­ra­tula­te eve­ry­one on the 10th an­ni­ver­sa­ry of Go­gol Cent­re and on the fact that we con­ti­nue to be to­get­her, al­be­it vir­tu­al­ly! Af­ter all, this is what the the­at­re is all abo­ut - lo­ving each ot­her, ma­king each ot­her hap­py and sup­porting each ot­her in ti­mes of ne­ed. I wish you, li­ke to all of us, to re­ma­in hu­man, to ta­ke ca­re of our fa­ces and, of co­ur­se, not to get in­volved in war.

Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov