Akhmatova. Poem without a hero

Perfomance, 16+ 1:15, No intermissions
A ma­gical trip thro­ugh the work and li­fe sto­ry of An­na Akh­ma­tova, a po­etic im­mersi­on in the blo­ody and yet gre­at his­to­ry of the XX cen­tu­ry. The pro­duc­ti­on con­ti­nu­es the cyc­le “Star” de­dica­ted to Rus­si­an po­ets. Al­la De­mido­va do­es not pre­tend to be Ak­ha­mato­va, but en­ters a di­alo­gue with ghost sha­dows and ref­lecti­ons, ini­ti­ates con­tact with the ge­ni­us, on equ­al terms. Child­ren of the XXI cen­tu­ry, we are ent­rus­ted to wit­ness this al­most mys­ti­cal ses­si­on.
Here is a passage from the book “Akhmatova’s Mirrors” by Alla Demidova: “When I started to decipher the “Poem without a Hero” I noticed a lot of doppelgangers, which, conversely, splitted in different directions ad infinitum (the same thing happens if you approach a wall of a mirror hall holding a looking glass in your hands, you see an infinite series of reflections). The more doppelgangers I found the clearer I understood that maybe there is no need to decipher this work literally. The point is in not in specification of particular individuals but in the delivery of the spirit of the age, since the “Poem”, among other things includes vast culture layer of the whole era. And this era has already become history, which happened long ago, for today’s youngsters.”
An­na Akh­ma­tova
Dmit­ry Ga­rin
Video design and animation: 
Singing teacher: 
Media about the event
Галина Аксенова, "Петербургский театральный журнал"
Рек­ви­ем по Ах­ма­товой
Елизавета Аношина, "Независимая газета"
"Ди­фирамб" Ал­ла Де­мидо­ва
"Дифирамб" Алла Демидова
Пять спек­таклей де­каб­ря
Interview Russia - 5 спектаклей декабря
8 луч­ших спек­таклей де­каб­ря
Time out - 8 лучших спектаклей декабря

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